The Legalities - Day Two
In case you missed day 1
Day 1
Day 2
Finished up some work first thing in the AM then headed out immediately to pick up the boat. Drove it down to the marina, paid my fee and started to offload it into the Potomac. Then I hit my first snag. The swing keel has no appreciable keel trunk and the ramp was too shallow to float the boat enough to get it off the trailer. Time starts ticking by, the truck is in the water to the tail pipe and I am frantically figuring out what the hell I am going to do! Finally it dawns on me. A ghostly recollection penned by the author of the owner's manual. Kinda like that famous line from Field of Dreams:
"If the ramp is too shallow, use a tow strap to lower the trailer into the water."
I attached a ratcheted tow strap to the trailer and to the saftey chain holes on the hitch. Slowly I lowered the trailer into the water and suddenly the boat was floating! It just needed another few inches! OK first problem solved, the boat is now off the trailer!
Off I ran to the DMV! It was 2:30 by now and I still had 3.5 hours to make it through the long DMV instpection station line. I got there and to my amazement, there was no DMV inspection station line! I drove directly into the station and took my place one car behind in the inspection queue. Then it hit me...this was going FAR too smoothly. This was the DMV afterall and I had never had a single easy, straightforward experience with the DMV. Not that they intentionally try to screw you, but in the end, screwed is the state in which you normally depart any DC DMV facility. So I sat there waiting, all the time remembering the scene in an old war movie when the british sergeant tells his men to "wait for it".
"Wait for it..."
"Sir I am sorry to tell you that your vehicle has failed inspection. Your tires are dry-rotted and your left tail light is not working."
The switch in my head was flipped and back into problem solving mode I go.
"Wait for it..."
With wiring materials purchased and 5 tire stores later, the realization sunk in that this was not going to happen today.
"Gotta order those tires, but they'll be in first thing in the morning."
"Fine, I'll see you in the morning with my open wallet and you can just take out what you need, OK?"
Back to buffet-esque. There is nothing I can do. I go to the marina, explain my plight, and am greeted with,
"No problem. I undertand your issue and man have I got a solution for you!"
And he did!
"Leave yur boat in this spot rite 'chere and come get it tomorraw."
I couldn't ask for more. Gotta love that boating community...AGAIN!!
I drive away and plan on rewiring the trailer that evening so at least that is done. Three hours later that is, indeed, done. Except they don't work. Great - another trip - this time to the mechanic.
"I'll see you in the morning with my open wallet and you can just take out what you need, OK?"
Day 1
Day 2
Finished up some work first thing in the AM then headed out immediately to pick up the boat. Drove it down to the marina, paid my fee and started to offload it into the Potomac. Then I hit my first snag. The swing keel has no appreciable keel trunk and the ramp was too shallow to float the boat enough to get it off the trailer. Time starts ticking by, the truck is in the water to the tail pipe and I am frantically figuring out what the hell I am going to do! Finally it dawns on me. A ghostly recollection penned by the author of the owner's manual. Kinda like that famous line from Field of Dreams:
"If the ramp is too shallow, use a tow strap to lower the trailer into the water."
I attached a ratcheted tow strap to the trailer and to the saftey chain holes on the hitch. Slowly I lowered the trailer into the water and suddenly the boat was floating! It just needed another few inches! OK first problem solved, the boat is now off the trailer!
Off I ran to the DMV! It was 2:30 by now and I still had 3.5 hours to make it through the long DMV instpection station line. I got there and to my amazement, there was no DMV inspection station line! I drove directly into the station and took my place one car behind in the inspection queue. Then it hit me...this was going FAR too smoothly. This was the DMV afterall and I had never had a single easy, straightforward experience with the DMV. Not that they intentionally try to screw you, but in the end, screwed is the state in which you normally depart any DC DMV facility. So I sat there waiting, all the time remembering the scene in an old war movie when the british sergeant tells his men to "wait for it".
"Wait for it..."
"Sir I am sorry to tell you that your vehicle has failed inspection. Your tires are dry-rotted and your left tail light is not working."
The switch in my head was flipped and back into problem solving mode I go.
- Boat in water.
- Where can I get new tires?
- I'll swing by the auto parts store and pick up the supplies to rewire the trailer and get that done while they put new tires on the beast.
"Wait for it..."
With wiring materials purchased and 5 tire stores later, the realization sunk in that this was not going to happen today.
"Gotta order those tires, but they'll be in first thing in the morning."
"Fine, I'll see you in the morning with my open wallet and you can just take out what you need, OK?"
Back to buffet-esque. There is nothing I can do. I go to the marina, explain my plight, and am greeted with,
"No problem. I undertand your issue and man have I got a solution for you!"
And he did!
"Leave yur boat in this spot rite 'chere and come get it tomorraw."
I couldn't ask for more. Gotta love that boating community...AGAIN!!
I drive away and plan on rewiring the trailer that evening so at least that is done. Three hours later that is, indeed, done. Except they don't work. Great - another trip - this time to the mechanic.
"I'll see you in the morning with my open wallet and you can just take out what you need, OK?"
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